During May 18 and 19, the Campus Casona Las Condes of the Universidad Andrés Bello was the
responsible for hosting half a hundred students and teachers passionate about physics to
experience the LHC Masterclass 2023, an international initiative of CERN and organized in our country by
the Millennium Institute SAPHIR and the academic and researcher Sebastián Olivares.
In two days students from different parts of Chile had the opportunity to
learn about science, interact with researchers and be encouraged in their interest in this area
, immersing themselves in the fascinating world of subatomic particle physics through
talks, workshops and empirical experimentation.
The presence of renowned researchers in the field of particle physics, such as the
academic Marco Aurelio Diaz of the Catholic University, the academic of the same house of
studies and alternate director of SAPHIR, Francisca Garay, the academic of the University of Talca,
Daniela Gayoso, the researcher Marco Ayala, the academic of the Andrés Bello University
Renato Galleguillos, allowed the students to interact with experts and ask their questions
on complex topics.
This direct interaction with high-level scientists fostered the interest and curiosity of the young people, inspiring them to continue exploring the world of science.
The realization of the LHC Masterclass in Chile is a testimony of the commitment of the
Millennium Institute SAPHIR and the local scientific community to promote scientific dissemination and bring particle physics
closer to young students, seeking to encourage new talents who dare to develop their scientific vocation.