The Atomic Girls program, in collaboration with the Vice Rector's Office for Innovation of the
Universidad Arturo Prat, held a practical workshop for high school students
from the Alto Hospicio district in Iquique. The event took place on May 25 at
and was designed to inspire and motivate young women in
the field of science and technology.
The workshop was attended by the 2023 tutors of Niñas Atómicas, a program
focused on fostering scientific vocations and STEM careers in girls and
adolescents. The tutors, Devika Mukhi and Melanie Martinez, young
outstanding in their respective disciplines, provided an enriching experience to the
high school students of Alto Hospicio, showing a new and unexplored
world for them.
During the activity, various practices and experiments were carried out that allowed
the students to explore scientific concepts in a playful and practical way. The tutors
shared their personal experiences and related how science has been a source
of passion and fulfillment in their lives, encouraging the students to consider careers
in science and technology.
The collaboration between the SAPHIR Millennium Institute's Atomic Girls program and the
Vice Rectory for Innovation at Universidad Arturo Prat was fundamental for the
organization of this workshop, as both institutions share the common goal of
promoting equal opportunities in access to scientific and
technological education, and this activity is a testament to that commitment.
The Atomic Girls program continues to play a key role in training
new generations of female scientists, empowering and guiding them on their
path to careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This hands-on workshop in Alto
Hospicio represents another step in Niñas Atómicas' mission to foster the interest and
participation of young women in these fields.