Saphir Scholarships
ENERO 2025 / 18:00 HRS.
The SAPHIR Millennium Institute announces a call for master’s and doctoral scholarships.
The application process will remain open until ANID publishes the results of their respective scholarships.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicants must provide proof of application for the ANID Scholarship, including the application certificate.
- Two letters of recommendation, which may coincide with those submitted for the ANID application.
- Curriculum Vitae.
- A university acceptance letter or a current student certificate.
- A one-page research proposal, developed in collaboration with a SAPHIR-associated researcher.
Saphir Internship
27 DE DICIEMBRE 2024 / 09:00 HRS.
Our institute aims to unite all subatomic physics research efforts connected to CERN to power the Atlas experiment and all other experiments and projects associated with the Large Hadron Collider. Supporting and guiding the training of the next generation of particle physics researchers is part of our goal, providing them with tools, knowledge and contacts that allow them to expand the frontiers of knowledge in physics.
Send your CV to pgrunert@institutosaphir.cl with the subject: “SAPHIR INTERNSHIP 2025” + your name.
The next internships includes a voucher for transportation and food.
Webinar SAPHIR
2 de agosto 2024 / 13:00 HRS.
Dr. Attila J. Krasznahorkay, will talk about an anomaly indicating the formation and decay of a new light particle was observed in the study of high-energy transitions in the 8Be nucleus at our institute ATOMKI in Debrecen, already in 2016 [1]. It turned out that this could be a first hint for a new mXc2=17 MeV boson, called X17 in the literature.
Taller Niñas Atómicas 2024
24 DE JUNIO AL 4 DE JULIO / 09:00 HRS.
Si te interesa el STEM y eres una joven de primero o segundo año medio, podrás postular para realizar el taller y desarrollar capacidades trasnversales como metodología investigativa, anáñisis de datos y programación en Python. No necesitas experiencia o conocimientos previos ¡No te pierdas esta increíble oportunidad!
Convocatoria Tutoras para Niñas Atómicas 2024
31 DE ENERO 2024 / 18.00 HRS.
Niñas Atómicas es una iniciativa del Instituto Milenio Saphir dirigido a niñas de enseñanza media que busca enseñarles habilidades transversales a diversas carreras científicas y de ingeniería, como programación, electrónica, análisis de datos y metodología científica. Sé parte de nuestro equipo 2024 ¡postula ahora!
Pasantías de Verano SAPHIR
29 DE DICIEMBRE 2023 / 18:00 HRS.
Revisa las oportunidades disponibles para hacer una pasantía durante enero de 2024.