This Monday, July 3, we kicked off the second version of the Atomic Girls program, an initiative of the SAPHIR Millennium Institute designed to empower girls and awaken their interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Under the tutelage of its founders and SAPHIR researchers, the outstanding physicists Francisca Garay and Giovanna Cottin, academics from Universidad Católica and Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez respectively, and with the support of six experienced tutors, 20 girls from different parts of our country will participate in this program that will take place from July 3 to 13 in a hybrid modality.

The main objective of Atomic Girls is to provide participants with the opportunity to acquire fundamental STEM skills and foster their scientific curiosity. Through a combination of theoretical and hands-on activities, girls will explore various branches of science and develop competencies that will be useful in any STEM career they choose.

Dr. Francisca Garay, renowned physicist and co-founder of the program, expressed her enthusiasm for this second edition: "We are delighted to welcome these 20 curious and talented girls to Niñas Atómicas. Our goal is to open their minds and show them that they are capable of achieving great things by applying their critical thinking. We hope this experience will be the starting point for them to discover the STEM world."

Dr. Giovanna Cottin, also a prominent physicist and co-founder of Niñas Atómicas, stressed the importance of encouraging the participation of women in science: "It is essential to inspire more girls to explore the scientific world. We want to show them that science is a way of thinking and a transversal way of seeing the world that they can access. Girls have the potential to make significant contributions in any area. We are excited to guide these talented young women on their journey of discovery and learning."

During the ten-day program, participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in hands-on activities, set up a muon detector, program, analyze data and have Dr. Beatriz Sanchez, an expert in Medical Physics, speak to them, and mentors will be available to provide guidance and support throughout the process.

Atomic Girls is an initiative that seeks to foster the transfer of scientific skills, recognizing the fundamental role that women play in the scientific and technological advancement of our society. By providing girls with the necessary tools and knowledge, we hope to inspire them to follow their passions and become leaders and agents of change in whatever field they choose.